Show Your Work! – A Guide on Self-Promotion - Wix Newsletter
Updated: Oct 16, 2024
This week I'm taking inspiration from Jason Fried, Founder & CEO at Basecamp, HEY, and serial author of books like Rework. In his latest post on HEY World (a new blog platform he created), Jason launched a new series called Heard Something, Read Something, Saw Something—go check it out.
I am a fan of mixed-media consumption myself, so I chose to do the same below. Let me know your thoughts with a reply.
Show Your Work! is a guide on self-promotion. It explains how we can share our creations, refined or unrefined, to gain a following organically. There are quotes and stories in the text to make it feel especially tangible. Here's a quote & strategy that I used in this newsletter:
"It’s always good practice to give a shout-out to the people who’ve helped you stumble onto good work and also leave a bread-crumb trail that people you’re sharing with can follow back to the sources of your inspiration." - Austin Kleon, Show Your Work!
Can you share a shout-out you're proud of?
What about you?
Was there anything you heard, read, or watched recently?
Comment below — I'd love to know.
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